Study mode | Duration | Tuition fees (yearly) |
Full time | 4 years | 16,500,000 soum |
Part time | 5 years | 10,500,000 soum |
General information about the program
Finance and financial technologies is a direction related to the educational field of "Business and management" of the field of knowledge "Business, management and law", which is public finance, finance of economic entities, household finance, state budget, budget financing , financial market operations, financial risk management, finance of joint-stock companies, finance of holding companies, finance of limited liability companies, finance of joint ventures, organization of activities in the securities market, organization of mutual settlements, financial of corporate structures covers a complex set of issues related to resource management
Areas where you can work after completing this program:
— Banks, finance and insurance companies; — Auditing and accounting companies; — Financial and business consulting companies; — State organizations and production enterprises.
Average monthly salary:
- 5 million to 15 million soums
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