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Xususiy universitet, muhim, nufuz, sharoit, ta'lim

Universitetning nufuzli nomi muhimmi yoki u yerdagi ta'lim sifati?

Universitetning nufuzli nomi muhimmi yoki u yerdagi ta'lim sifati?"Bilim olishdagi asosiy poydevor, universitet yoki institutning nufuzli nomiga emas, o‘quv dargohidagi bilim berish yo‘nalishining to‘g‘riligi bilan mustahkam shakl hosil qiladi." (Karl Jeymson "O‘qi va boy bo‘l" kitobidan)Darhaqiqat, talabaning bilim egallashi va kelajakda o‘z o‘rnini topishida ta’lim berilayotgan dargohdagi "Yangi innovatsion dars tizimi" juda muhim ahamiyatga ega.Bu borada esa nodavlat universitetlarning shiddat bilan rivojlanib borayotgan yangidan yangi yo‘nalishlari, o‘quvchini darsga 100% jalb qila olish va ko‘nikma hosil qilishda qo‘llayotgan uslublari yaqqol dalildir. Shu o‘rinda O‘zbekistondagi nodavlat universitetlar qatorida yetakchi o‘rin egallan UBS universiteti va bu o‘quv yurtida talabalarning kun tartiblari, dars jarayonlari va hattoki bo‘sh vaqtlari qanday o‘tishi ham namuna bo‘la oladigan darajada.Xususiy universitetlar sharoitiUniversitetdagi barcha talabalar eng avvalo yorug‘ va keng xonalar, barcha standartlarga to‘laqonli javob bera oladigan jihozlar, eng asosiysi, o‘z auditoriyasiga allaqachon ega bo‘lgan malakali o‘qituvchi va mutaxassislardan dars oladilar. Qonun qoidalar va talab shu qadar o‘rinliki, barcha talabalar har bir dars uchun alohida tayyorlanadilar.Professor-o'qituvchilarMa’ruzalar ham kuchli bilimga ega o‘qituvchilar tomonidan olib boriladi. Maqsad baho olish emas, dars jarayonidan talabaga nimadir bera olishdir. Kun mobaynida talabalarning deyarli bo‘sh vaqti bo‘lmaydi. Kattagina xazinani o‘ziga jamlagan kutubxona doimiy talabalar ixtiyorida. Va yana bir aytishga arzigulik, motivatsion shaklda tashkillanib boradigan tadbirlar, alohida o‘ringa ega. Turli anjumanlar, taniqli motivatorlar bilan suhbatlar, konsertlar, vebinarlar talabalarni bir xillikdan, charchoq va qiziqish sustlashishidan uzoqlashtiradi.Aynan shu UBS universitetining talabasi o‘laroq, aytishim mumkinki, o‘z yo‘nalishim bo‘yicha bilim olishda menda barcha imkoniyatlar aynan shu o‘quv yurtida mavjud. Sababi innovatsion texnologiyalar, kompyuterlashtirilgan sinfxonalari, kutubxona, darslarning uzviy bog‘liqligi va albatta malakali ustozlar, o‘z o‘rnim, kasbim va mutaxassisligim bo‘yicha yetuk kadr bo‘lib yetishishimda katta ahamiyat kasb etadi.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 13-08-2024
Oliy ma'lumot, diplom, networking, karyera, top, sabab

Oliy ma'lumotli bo'lish uchun TOP-5 sabab

Oliy maʼlumotli bo'lish olish uchun TOP-5 sababOliy taʼlim inson hayotidagi eng muhim qadamlardan biri boʻlib, u nafaqat kasbiy rivojlanish, balki shaxsiy oʻsish uchun ham keng imkoniyatlar yaratadi. Oliy taʼlim olish qarorini qabul qilayotganlar uchun quyida eng muhim beshta sababni keltiramiz.1. Orzudagi kasbni tanlash va shaxsiy rivojlanishOliy taʼlim sizning orzularingizni amalga oshirishda muhim rol oʻynaydi. Ushbu jarayon davomida siz oʻzingizning qiziqishlaringiz va qobiliyatlaringizni kasbga aylantirishingiz mumkin.2. Ziyoli doʻstlar davrasiOliy taʼlim jarayonida Siz oʻzingiz kabi ziyoli, ilmli va ishbilarmon doʻstlar orttirasiz. Bu doʻstlar Sizning shaxsiy va kasbiy rivojlanishingizda muhim rol oʻynaydi, chunki ular bilan fikr almashish va hamkorlik qilish orqali Siz oʻz qobiliyatlaringizni yanada rivojlantira olasiz.3. Ulkan maqsadlarga erishish imkoniyatiOliygohdagi ustozlar sizga katta maqsadlar qoʻyish va ularga erishish uchun yoʻnalish beradi. Taʼlim jarayonida siz nafaqat kichik rejalarga, balki ulkan maqsadlarga erishish uchun zarur boʻlgan koʻnikmalar va bilimlarni orttirasiz.4. Yuqori lavozim va moliyaviy barqarorlikOliy maʼlumotga ega boʻlgan mutaxassislar koʻpincha rahbarlik lavozimlariga jalb qilinadi. Bu esa ularning moliyaviy mustaqillikka erishishlari hamda barqaror rivojlanishlariga xizmat qiladi. Bu nafaqat professional oʻsish, balki shaxsiy farovonlikni taʼminlash uchun ham muhimdir.5. Ilm yoʻli va yangi kashfiyotlarOliy taʼlim ilmiy izlanishlar olib borish uchun keng imkoniyatlar yaratadi. Taʼlim davomida siz ilmiy tadqiqotlar olib borish, yangi kashfiyotlar qilish va oʻzingizni ilmiy sohada kashf etish imkoniga ega boʻlasiz. Bu jarayon orqali siz nafaqat oʻz bilimingizni kengaytirasiz, balki insoniyatga yangi ilmiy yutuqlarni taqdim etish imkoniga ham ega boʻlasiz.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 16-08-2024
talaba, ubs, orzu, maqsad, ilm, universitet, blog

The most important day of my life: I became a UBS student

The most important day of my life: I became a UBS studentWhen I was studying at a medical college, my dreams had no limits. I dreamed of entering a higher education institution and teaching students in my field.However, in our village, marriage is considered the most important priority. My parents told me: “Your peers have already become mothers, college is enough, you won’t go to university.”My dreams, aspirations, and plans disappeared in an instant. My parents achieved their goal, and I remained a good housewife in a good family. Twelve years passed. Whether it was a woman's wisdom or my burning desire for higher education, I finally got permission from my husband to apply to university. He said: “Okay, but you can only be a kindergarten teacher, nothing else.”The day my dreams came back to lifeAfter that, the spark that was fading inside me reignited. I promised myself: "I can do it!" and worked hard.The exam day arrived. It’s hard to describe in words how nervous I was. The results were announced: 83.2 points. I stood there, full of hope, but in an instant, everything seemed to collapse, like a bucket of cold water had been poured over me.One day, my sister-in-law told me: “Sister, a university called UBS has opened in Namangan, and you can enroll with your score.”Something inside me changed... And finally, the day I had dreamed of arrived. I am a student. I did it!Today, I am the happiest woman. I am the daughter-in-law my parents wanted, a mother of a son and a daughter. I am the future kindergarten teacher my husband wanted and the student of UBS, the best private university in Uzbekistan, just as I had dreamed.My future goalsThe university has given me back my dreams and my grand plans. I am proud of UBS! Today, I am studying Russian and English. My goal is to complete my master’s and doctoral degrees and dedicate myself to teaching students in my field.If I become a kindergarten teacher, I will educate 20-30 children, if I become a director, I will be responsible for 200-250 children. But if I become a university professor, I will help train an entire generation of professionals dedicated to their field. That is my biggest dream.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 20-08-2024
muhim, kun, namangan, talaba, universitet, ubs, maqsad

UBS — the fulfillment of my dreams

Since childhood, I grew up and, as I matured, I started school. The school was a place of knowledge for me, where I received both education and discipline, eagerly studying various subjects. However, time flew by quickly—I graduated from 9th grade with excellent grades and applied to a university.With excitement and anxiety, I took the entrance exams, but the results were not what I had hoped for. I failed to get in.I was deeply disappointed, but at that time, we had the opportunity to study at college, so I enrolled there. For three years, I studied hard, gained knowledge, and once again applied to a university. Unfortunately, the same thing happened. My heart ached, I blamed myself, and I cried, asking, “Am I really that unlucky?”Days and months passed, and I got a job at a preschool in my district, where I worked for six years. During this time, I attempted to apply for higher education again, but I still couldn’t achieve my dream. For 6-7 years, I was busy with work, family, and household responsibilities.Then, in 2021, praying to Allah, I decided to try one more time. My mind was filled with fear and doubts: “Will I be able to pass the exams this time?” But… once again, luck turned away from me. My dreams, hopes, and goals shattered once more. “That's it. I won’t try again. I will never become a teacher,” I sobbed. Inside, I felt as if a million lights were burning, yet my heart remained in darkness. The Happiest Day of My LifeDays went by, summer turned to autumn, then winter. But on March 7, 2022, at 9:30 AM, an unforgettable moment changed my life.I received a call: “Are you Gulzoda Aminjonova? We are reaching out to you from UBS University in Tashkent. Do you want to become a student? You have an opportunity!”I was speechless, my hands were trembling, and my heart was pounding. All I could say was, “Yes, yes, yes...”They told me they would contact me again so I could make a decision. I went home and shared the news with my father-in-law and husband. My father-in-law was skeptical at first: "It’s a private university. It’s not reliable," he said.But at that moment, a new strength awakened inside me. “Dad, I will study! This university has the same accreditation and diploma as a state university,” I told him, tears streaming down my face.We then traveled to the UBS branch in Namangan. With tears in my eyes, memories of past failures, and the promises I had made to my father-in-law, I stepped into the university building. I submitted my documents, and soon after, they handed me my student contract.My happiness was boundless—I had become the happiest woman in the world! From that day on, my goals and dreams changed completely. Now, I can proudly say: “I am a happy mother and a happy woman!”Thanks to UBS, my broken wings were restored, my shattered heart was healed, and my soul finally found peace.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 21-08-2024
success, university, uzbekistan, students

There is only one way to success

First and foremost, there is honesty here!In this rapidly advancing age of technology, only those who study and strive can achieve success. "The essence of life is to fall seven times and get up the eighth time" (P. Coelho — "The Alchemist").Indeed, whether a person is on the path of knowledge or seeking a trade, they must diligently work on themselves first. Today, everyone is knowledgeable, everyone is smart. The best are emerging from the best. To find your place in life, take action today. In this regard, I recommend UBS.Why, you ask? Then listen!Firstly:First and foremost, there is honesty here. Where there is the right path, there is peace. Where there is honesty, there is blessing. The teachers here love their profession above all, which is why they teach with sincere dedication. After all, doing what you love brings peace of mind. The most experienced professors impart knowledge to us, the youth.Secondly:There is a well-stocked library. To review the knowledge given by teachers and to explore new information, students have access to a library rich in books and an online library. As Abu Ali ibn Sina said, "When a spark of knowledge enters the heart, you will realize that knowledge is boundless."Thirdly:Intellectual and sports competitions are held. Every person has their own talent: some excel in sports, others in knowledge. UBS tirelessly supports young people in all aspects. You know, where there is debate, there is growth. UBS loves to support youth not only spiritually but also materially. No other university can match UBS in offering grants, scholarships, vouchers, and valuable prizes.Fourthly:There is a "Mentor-Student" tradition. Teachers here are not just mentors, but also friends. They are conversationalists, confidants, advisors, and motivators who play an important role in helping young people express their thoughts freely. Having knowledge but being unable to articulate it is one of the main issues among today’s youth. In this regard, there is no problem between UBS teachers and students, as they are one big family.Fifthly:UBS is the best non-governmental university in Uzbekistan. I am proud of UBS, and I will certainly contribute to its development. Together, we will enter the "Top-1000" list of the world's strongest universities. Several cooperation agreements and memorandums have already been signed with foreign universities, allowing UBS students the opportunity to continue their studies abroad.In short, UBS is the most devoted university that cares about the future of young people.With so many opportunities available, we must study diligently.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 24-08-2024
Independent learning, part-time study

The importance of independent learning

Today, I would like to talk about the unique opportunities created for distance education students at UBS, opportunities that no other university provides. Among these, the ability for students to engage in independent learning is especially important.In distance education, one-fourth of the scheduled study hours are conducted under the supervision of teachers at the university, while the remaining three-fourths are dedicated to self-study. Students are required to complete assignments, but the method of completion is entirely up to the student. The topics for each subject are also chosen by the students themselves, while the teachers provide different ways to approach these tasks. For example:Writing reports,Distribution of tests,Q&A handouts,Crosswords,Creative projects related to the topic,Didactic games on the subject, and others.Why is independent learning important?For distance education students, independent learning is essential for enhancing, reinforcing, revising their knowledge, creating new ideas, and working on personal development.Recommendations:If you do not fully understand a specific topic from the course, it’s a good idea to choose that topic for independent learning. During the process of searching for information, you will read the material repeatedly, and as a result, you may retain up to 85% of the information in your memory. Therefore, choose the topic that is unclear to you, study it diligently, and you will find that you understand it even better than other topics.Teacher support is always available at UBSDistance education students are among those who reach out to teachers the most, and at UBS, no teacher will hesitate to answer their questions or provide necessary guidance. Our teachers are committed to assisting every student, and independent learning is always a valuable tool for students to enhance their knowledge. We are dedicated to fulfilling this task and providing the best learning environment for our students

blog UBSLIKLAR — 16-09-2024
Transparent Exam Process at UBS – Your Path to Success

The Future Belongs to Those Who Work Hard Today!

The Future Belongs to Those Who Work Hard Today!Today, I would like to share with you some of the most exciting and emotional moments at our university. Yes, you guessed it right – these are the EXAM processes. The excitement, hesitation, and fear of them do not leave a single student indifferent, even for a moment.I can confidently say that the exam processes at UBS are conducted in a completely fair and transparent manner. Let’s start with the exam rooms. They are 100% under camera surveillance. Students enter the room in their student uniforms, carrying only a pen and a bottle of water. The group leader places the notebooks, which have a sealed top, on the teacher’s desk. On that day, even the subject teacher enters the room only with an envelope in hand. The exam tasks, prepared in advance by the administration, are placed in the envelopes, and the teacher opens the envelope in front of the students. Then, the notebooks and tasks are distributed among the students.Now everything is fully transparent – the teacher simply supervises. The silence in the room at this moment is hard to describe. The quietness is so profound that it’s as if the sound of water is as clear as the stillness, with only a few students taking deep breaths, trying to manage their stress.Students who have prepared and strived for knowledge are the first to complete the exam and leave the room. Yes, students who finish before the time is up are allowed to leave the room.The next day, the subject teacher informs the group leader about who did not pass the exam. That’s when it becomes clear – who studied and who merely attended. This is also an exciting moment because luck has nothing to do with it here. The teacher will pass even a student who receives a 3, allowing them to proceed to the next semester, but those who fail the exam will have to retake it. The administration sets the date for the retake.UBS cares about its students and gives them another chance. However, if the student fails again, they must pay a fee for the credit module. Spending money on tuition and time to attend classes, only to fail the exam again, is truly unfortunate.Dear UBS students, reflect on your efforts today with a clear conscience. Are you satisfied with yourself today? Are you ready for tomorrow?

blog UBSLIKLAR — 01-10-2024
Top 5 Tips for Students to Effectively Manage Their Time

Top 5 Tips to Become a Student Leader

Top 5 Tips to Become a Student LeaderDo You Want to Be Among Today's Leading Students?Then spend your time according to a plan. Nowadays, many people say they have "no time."No time to prepare for classes.No time to eat.No time to visit friends.No time to meet with friends.Need to earn money, but no time.Need to do scientific work, but unfortunately, there’s no time for that either.Want to learn a language, but there’s no time for that as well.Of course, time is limited if you spend all 24 hours online.Today, I want to share with you the TOP-5 tips on how to organize your time. If you follow them, you will be able to accomplish everything!Are You Ready?Then Let’s Get Started!1. Wake Up EarlyIf you wake up early, you will have more time. Don’t go out without breakfast. Breakfast brings blessings, so you won’t need to drink tea on the street, and you will save money.2. Work by PlanPlan each day down to the minute. Working according to a plan helps use time efficiently. Use the Internet only for necessary purposes, and don’t waste time on useless things.3. Prepare for ClassesGet into the habit of completing today’s assignments today. Don’t say, “I’ll prepare for class on the day of the lesson.” Learn 10 new words every day, and in 6 months, you will start to understand any language. Knowing a language makes it easier to understand the world.4. Earn MoneyLook for additional sources of income. Engage in work that you can do. Being a student doesn’t just mean spending money. Take action, and you will learn to appreciate your family’s money. There are plenty of opportunities around you; you just need to be able to see them. Find a way, and money will find you.5. Be HonestYour authority in the team will grow. Never betray others. Be trustworthy, and warmth will appear in people’s hearts towards you. They will trust you with the most delicate tasks, making your growth easier.RecommendationsHere’s how students should plan their time. If you follow the above five rules, you will become the best. You can do it; we believe in you. Enjoy each day by making it productive and take pride in yourself!

blog UBSLIKLAR — 01-10-2024

What is a CV? How is it different from a resume?

A CV, derived from the Latin "curriculum vitae" (course of life), is a detailed document that reflects your professional and academic background (somewhat similar to an autobiography).A CV is typically required for applications to international universities, grants, scholarships, competitions, or job positions. Organizations may select you for their programs based on your experience and achievements.What can you include in a CV?-         Contact information;-         Academic background;-         Professional experience;-         Skills and qualifications;-         Grants and scholarships;-         Certifications and licenses;-         Awards and achievements;-         Personal details (optional);-         Volunteer work;-         Articles and publications;-         Hobbies and personal interests (optional).You can easily create a CV using platforms such as CV builder, CV maker, Resume builder, Resume Coach, and others.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 11-01-2025

How important is it to create a portfolio?

In today’s competitive job market, having good grades and a diploma alone is not enough for a successful career.Creating an attractive portfolio that showcases your knowledge, skills, and achievements is equally important.Why is this necessary? Let’s take a closer look.-Showcase yourselfUnlike a resume, which provides only brief information, a portfolio allows you to present your completed projects in detail.-Build a professional imageEmployers and clients can evaluate your experience and professional approach. This helps in developing your personal brand.-Increase job opportunitiesCandidates with a well-structured and appealing portfolio have higher chances of getting hired. Showing measurable and concrete results enhances your value.-Demonstrate your growthA portfolio is a great tool to track your professional progress. By adding new projects and achievements, you highlight your continuous development.-Showcase personal projects and interestsIncluding personal projects, hobbies, and interests in your portfolio makes you a more well-rounded and interesting candidate.-Expand your networkIf your portfolio is available on online platforms, it helps you connect with a broader audience and expand your professional network.Create a portfolio that highlights your achievements and take confident steps toward success!

blog UBSLIKLAR — 10-01-2024

What is the importance of networking?

In today's global and competitive job market, networking—building a professional connections network—plays a crucial role in achieving a successful career.1.     Opens OpportunitiesMany career opportunities come directly through acquaintances and professional relationships. Hiring and partnerships are often based on recommendations and personal connections.2.     Knowledge and Experience SharingCommunicating with more experienced professionals allows you to gain valuable insights and advice. It helps you stay updated on new trends and opportunities in your field.3.     Building a Personal BrandThrough networking, you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry and become more recognizable among colleagues and partners. This enhances your professional reputation.4.     Overcoming ChallengesNetworking can be beneficial when launching new projects or seeking advice on complex matters, as it provides support and guidance.Effective networking not only opens new doors but also facilitates knowledge exchange, experience growth, and faster career advancement.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 10-01-2025

How to Ask for a Salary Raise the Right Way? 5 Tips

“If my salary doesn't increase...”In modern careers, most people first get a better offer from another company and then negotiate with their manager. This is the simplest and most effective method. However, be prepared for them to say, "Alright, you can leave."Always analyze the marketFind out how much professionals in your position are earning at other companies and what specific skills are in demand. Websites like HH can help you with this.Evaluate your workload and responsibilitiesIf your responsibilities and workload have increased since you were hired, your salary should reflect that growth. Also, consider inflation and other financial factors—these can be tactfully discussed with your employer.Assess your resultsHow much have you contributed to the company’s success? More importantly, what results can you deliver in the future? Managers care more about what you can achieve tomorrow than what you did yesterday. If they see your value, they’ll be more willing to invest in you.Don’t be afraid of rejectionIf you're unhappy with your current salary and quality of life, your job won’t feel fulfilling either. Know your worth and find a company that truly appreciates you!©️ Samira Latipova 

blog UBSLIKLAR — 10-01-2025

5 Myths About Choosing a Career

YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE CAREER FOR LIFE1.     Choosing a lifelong professionIn 9th grade, we were forced to choose a profession. Back then, I chose marketing.I thought that choice would shape my entire life. But in the last 5 years, over 150 new professions have emerged—professions I couldn’t even imagine at the time. For example, when I was a kid, I didn’t even know the job of a Product Manager existed.2.     The myth of “corporate slavery”Many people think that running their own business will make them happier. But in reality, the highest levels of burnout occur among entrepreneurs.No matter where you work, you are the one who chooses your career and working conditions, not your employer.3.     First, try the profession, then commitIn reality, you should test a profession before committing to it. Engage with people in the field, gain hands-on experience, and take initial steps. Only then can you decide whether to stick with it or explore another path.4.     Passion doesn’t pay the billsIn the long run, you can only sustain a career if you genuinely enjoy your work. 80% of any job consists of routine tasks, and you need to find joy in them. If you stay in a field long enough, you become an expert, and experts earn well.5.     Big money is only in IT and programmingThe biggest earnings in IT go to successful founders, investors, and their inner circle. Among programmers, only those who love solving problems and coding make good money.Average developers don’t earn that much.©️ Samira Latipova

blog UBSLIKLAR — 13-01-2025

What is a personal brand?

Personal branding is the process of creating a unique image in society by showcasing your values, knowledge, experience, and personal qualities.Key aspects of personal branding:1.     Reputation and trust: A personal brand helps you gain recognition and trust from others.2.     Uniqueness: Every individual has special skills and character traits. Personal branding highlights these qualities.3.     Professional achievements: A strong personal brand demonstrates your expertise in a particular field.Examples of successful personal brands:Elon Musk:The founder of Tesla and SpaceX, known for his innovative ideas. Every statement and decision he makes strengthens his brand.Cristiano Ronaldo:Not just a football star, but a strong personal brand. His sports achievements, hard work, and dedication to a healthy lifestyle have made him famous worldwide.Zafar Hoshimov:A well-known entrepreneur in Uzbekistan, recognized for his business success and valuable advice.Your personal brand represents who you are and how you influence others.It is a crucial tool for achieving professional goals.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 13-01-2025

What is networking?

Networking is the process of establishing and strengthening professional and social connections between people.The main goal of networking is to build beneficial relationships, communicate with experts in your field, discover new opportunities, and exchange experiences.Networking plays a crucial role in business, entrepreneurship, and professional development. Through this process, individuals can expand their career prospects, find business partners, or connect with experienced professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills.Networking is essential not only for professional growth but also for personal development. It helps people learn about new ideas, innovations, and effective work methods while gaining insights into best practices within their industry. To succeed in networking, it is important to be sincere, open, show interest, and offer mutual support.The networking process should foster trust and be mutually beneficial for both parties. It not only contributes to professional achievements but also helps establish valuable friendships and important social connections.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 10-01-2025

Important career lessons from the book "The Samurai Without a Sword"

“The Samurai Without a Sword” teaches us that true strength and leadership lie not in external factors, but in inner determination, knowledge, and human relationships.By following these principles in your career, you too can achieve great success.1.     Believe in your abilities:Your success is determined not by your title or position, but by your skills and hard work.2.     Continuously grow:Acquiring new knowledge and skills will set you apart from others.3.     Expand your network:Building strong professional connections will accelerate your career growth.4.     Be adaptable:The ability to quickly adjust to changing circumstances is crucial for success.5.     Stay resilient:Don't give up in the face of challenges—find ways to overcome them.“The Samurai Without a Sword” teaches us that true strength and leadership lie not in external factors, but in inner determination, knowledge, and human relationships. By following these principles in your career, you too can achieve great success.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 11-01-2025

What is a resume?

A resume is a brief summary about yourself.This is a term that everyone looking for a job should know. A resume is neither an autobiography nor an essay. It is usually a one-page document in tabular format.In your resume, provide brief information about yourself (year and place of birth, etc.), your education (where and when you studied), and, if you have previous work experience, details about your past jobs (when, where, what position, and what tasks you performed).We cannot speak for government institutions, but in companies like ours, details about your parents and their workplaces are not relevant.A resume helps build your professional image, so it should be prepared carefully and correctly. It is a document that provides an employer with initial information about you. If you make a good impression, your chances of getting the job will increase—don’t forget that.A resume is not just a document reflecting your work experience, knowledge, and skills; it is also a tool that shows your serious approach to job hunting. Be attentive when writing your resume, as it creates the first impression and can influence the employer’s decision.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 11-01-2025

How to Build a Successful Career?

A successful career is a process of achieving personal and professional success in one’s life.Below, we will discuss the key steps to building a successful career and the essential actions needed to achieve it.1. Setting Clear GoalsEvery successful career starts with well-defined and structured goals. Short-term goals involve small steps, while long-term goals focus on significant achievements. Clearly setting goals helps individuals plan their actions and achieve success step by step.2. Education and Skill DevelopmentContinuous learning and professional skill development are crucial for career growth. Keeping up with new technologies, attending training programs, and acquiring new knowledge are essential for staying competitive.3. Networking and Relationship BuildingBuilding a professional network is vital for career advancement. Attending conferences, participating in seminars, and being active on professional platforms can help establish valuable connections.4. Responsibility and Dedication to WorkCareer growth largely depends on an individual’s attitude towards their work. Performing tasks efficiently, taking initiative, and being responsible can help gain trust from leadership and lead to career advancement.5. Work-Life BalanceMaintaining a balance between work and personal life is essential. Overworking can lead to burnout, so it’s important to allocate time for relaxation and personal relationships.A successful career is not just about financial prosperity but also about inner satisfaction, respect, and personal achievements.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 11-01-2025

How to Choose a Career You Love?

Finding a profession that brings satisfaction and leads to success in life is important for everyone.However, this process is often not easy. Paying attention to the following factors can help you choose a career you truly enjoy:1.     Identify your interestsIf your hobbies turn into a profession, your job will become not only a source of income but also a meaningful part of your life.2.     Recognize your strengthsFor example, if you are good at communication, you may excel in marketing or customer service.3.     Consider your valuesIf helping people is important to you, explore careers in healthcare or education.4.     Analyze market demandResearch which industries are growing and what jobs are in demand.5.     Gain experienceIf you are unsure which career suits you best, try gaining experience in different fields.Taking the time to find a profession that aligns with your passion and skills is an investment in your future. This way, you can achieve both professional success and personal fulfillment.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 10-01-2025

Criticism is another step towards growth

Each of us has faced criticism at some point in our lives. How can we turn it into a tool for growth?Here are three simple tips to help you take feedback correctly and improve your work efficiency:1.     Get used to listening to criticism until the end.Criticism is often meant to highlight weaknesses and encourage more responsible work. By listening carefully, you can identify areas for improvement.2.     Don’t be afraid to ask questions.This approach shows that you are open to constructive feedback and willing to work on your mistakes.3.     Ask for specific examples.If feedback is given in a general way, ask for clarification and concrete examples. This will help you better understand areas for growth and boost your self-confidence.Don’t avoid criticism!Every piece of feedback can be an opportunity for new growth.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 10-01-2025

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A great opportunity for students of "University of Business and Science". Now you can publish your article on the website of our university and become a student blogger. Contact us for more information.
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success, university, uzbekistan, students

There is only one way to success

First and foremost, there is honesty here!In this rapidly advancing age of technology, only those who study and strive can achieve success. "The essence of life is to fall seven times and get up the eighth time" (P. Coelho — "The Alchemist").Indeed, whether a person is on the path of knowledge or seeking a trade, they must diligently work on themselves first. Today, everyone is knowledgeable, everyone is smart. The best are emerging from the best. To find your place in life, take action today. In this regard, I recommend UBS.Why, you ask? Then listen!Firstly:First and foremost, there is honesty here. Where there is the right path, there is peace. Where there is honesty, there is blessing. The teachers here love their profession above all, which is why they teach with sincere dedication. After all, doing what you love brings peace of mind. The most experienced professors impart knowledge to us, the youth.Secondly:There is a well-stocked library. To review the knowledge given by teachers and to explore new information, students have access to a library rich in books and an online library. As Abu Ali ibn Sina said, "When a spark of knowledge enters the heart, you will realize that knowledge is boundless."Thirdly:Intellectual and sports competitions are held. Every person has their own talent: some excel in sports, others in knowledge. UBS tirelessly supports young people in all aspects. You know, where there is debate, there is growth. UBS loves to support youth not only spiritually but also materially. No other university can match UBS in offering grants, scholarships, vouchers, and valuable prizes.Fourthly:There is a "Mentor-Student" tradition. Teachers here are not just mentors, but also friends. They are conversationalists, confidants, advisors, and motivators who play an important role in helping young people express their thoughts freely. Having knowledge but being unable to articulate it is one of the main issues among today’s youth. In this regard, there is no problem between UBS teachers and students, as they are one big family.Fifthly:UBS is the best non-governmental university in Uzbekistan. I am proud of UBS, and I will certainly contribute to its development. Together, we will enter the "Top-1000" list of the world's strongest universities. Several cooperation agreements and memorandums have already been signed with foreign universities, allowing UBS students the opportunity to continue their studies abroad.In short, UBS is the most devoted university that cares about the future of young people.With so many opportunities available, we must study diligently.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 24-08-2024
talaba, ubs, orzu, maqsad, ilm, universitet, blog

The most important day of my life: I became a UBS student

The most important day of my life: I became a UBS studentWhen I was studying at a medical college, my dreams had no limits. I dreamed of entering a higher education institution and teaching students in my field.However, in our village, marriage is considered the most important priority. My parents told me: “Your peers have already become mothers, college is enough, you won’t go to university.”My dreams, aspirations, and plans disappeared in an instant. My parents achieved their goal, and I remained a good housewife in a good family. Twelve years passed. Whether it was a woman's wisdom or my burning desire for higher education, I finally got permission from my husband to apply to university. He said: “Okay, but you can only be a kindergarten teacher, nothing else.”The day my dreams came back to lifeAfter that, the spark that was fading inside me reignited. I promised myself: "I can do it!" and worked hard.The exam day arrived. It’s hard to describe in words how nervous I was. The results were announced: 83.2 points. I stood there, full of hope, but in an instant, everything seemed to collapse, like a bucket of cold water had been poured over me.One day, my sister-in-law told me: “Sister, a university called UBS has opened in Namangan, and you can enroll with your score.”Something inside me changed... And finally, the day I had dreamed of arrived. I am a student. I did it!Today, I am the happiest woman. I am the daughter-in-law my parents wanted, a mother of a son and a daughter. I am the future kindergarten teacher my husband wanted and the student of UBS, the best private university in Uzbekistan, just as I had dreamed.My future goalsThe university has given me back my dreams and my grand plans. I am proud of UBS! Today, I am studying Russian and English. My goal is to complete my master’s and doctoral degrees and dedicate myself to teaching students in my field.If I become a kindergarten teacher, I will educate 20-30 children, if I become a director, I will be responsible for 200-250 children. But if I become a university professor, I will help train an entire generation of professionals dedicated to their field. That is my biggest dream.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 20-08-2024
Oliy ma'lumot, diplom, networking, karyera, top, sabab

Oliy ma'lumotli bo'lish uchun TOP-5 sabab

Oliy maʼlumotli bo'lish olish uchun TOP-5 sababOliy taʼlim inson hayotidagi eng muhim qadamlardan biri boʻlib, u nafaqat kasbiy rivojlanish, balki shaxsiy oʻsish uchun ham keng imkoniyatlar yaratadi. Oliy taʼlim olish qarorini qabul qilayotganlar uchun quyida eng muhim beshta sababni keltiramiz.1. Orzudagi kasbni tanlash va shaxsiy rivojlanishOliy taʼlim sizning orzularingizni amalga oshirishda muhim rol oʻynaydi. Ushbu jarayon davomida siz oʻzingizning qiziqishlaringiz va qobiliyatlaringizni kasbga aylantirishingiz mumkin.2. Ziyoli doʻstlar davrasiOliy taʼlim jarayonida Siz oʻzingiz kabi ziyoli, ilmli va ishbilarmon doʻstlar orttirasiz. Bu doʻstlar Sizning shaxsiy va kasbiy rivojlanishingizda muhim rol oʻynaydi, chunki ular bilan fikr almashish va hamkorlik qilish orqali Siz oʻz qobiliyatlaringizni yanada rivojlantira olasiz.3. Ulkan maqsadlarga erishish imkoniyatiOliygohdagi ustozlar sizga katta maqsadlar qoʻyish va ularga erishish uchun yoʻnalish beradi. Taʼlim jarayonida siz nafaqat kichik rejalarga, balki ulkan maqsadlarga erishish uchun zarur boʻlgan koʻnikmalar va bilimlarni orttirasiz.4. Yuqori lavozim va moliyaviy barqarorlikOliy maʼlumotga ega boʻlgan mutaxassislar koʻpincha rahbarlik lavozimlariga jalb qilinadi. Bu esa ularning moliyaviy mustaqillikka erishishlari hamda barqaror rivojlanishlariga xizmat qiladi. Bu nafaqat professional oʻsish, balki shaxsiy farovonlikni taʼminlash uchun ham muhimdir.5. Ilm yoʻli va yangi kashfiyotlarOliy taʼlim ilmiy izlanishlar olib borish uchun keng imkoniyatlar yaratadi. Taʼlim davomida siz ilmiy tadqiqotlar olib borish, yangi kashfiyotlar qilish va oʻzingizni ilmiy sohada kashf etish imkoniga ega boʻlasiz. Bu jarayon orqali siz nafaqat oʻz bilimingizni kengaytirasiz, balki insoniyatga yangi ilmiy yutuqlarni taqdim etish imkoniga ham ega boʻlasiz.

blog UBSLIKLAR — 16-08-2024
Independent learning, part-time study

The importance of independent learning

Today, I would like to talk about the unique opportunities created for distance education students at UBS, opportunities that no other university provides. Among these, the ability for students to engage in independent learning is especially important.In distance education, one-fourth of the scheduled study hours are conducted under the supervision of teachers at the university, while the remaining three-fourths are dedicated to self-study. Students are required to complete assignments, but the method of completion is entirely up to the student. The topics for each subject are also chosen by the students themselves, while the teachers provide different ways to approach these tasks. For example:Writing reports,Distribution of tests,Q&A handouts,Crosswords,Creative projects related to the topic,Didactic games on the subject, and others.Why is independent learning important?For distance education students, independent learning is essential for enhancing, reinforcing, revising their knowledge, creating new ideas, and working on personal development.Recommendations:If you do not fully understand a specific topic from the course, it’s a good idea to choose that topic for independent learning. During the process of searching for information, you will read the material repeatedly, and as a result, you may retain up to 85% of the information in your memory. Therefore, choose the topic that is unclear to you, study it diligently, and you will find that you understand it even better than other topics.Teacher support is always available at UBSDistance education students are among those who reach out to teachers the most, and at UBS, no teacher will hesitate to answer their questions or provide necessary guidance. Our teachers are committed to assisting every student, and independent learning is always a valuable tool for students to enhance their knowledge. We are dedicated to fulfilling this task and providing the best learning environment for our students

blog UBSLIKLAR — 16-09-2024
Catalog about the University of business and science
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