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What is a resume?

A resume is a brief summary about yourself.

This is a term that everyone looking for a job should know. A resume is neither an autobiography nor an essay. It is usually a one-page document in tabular format.

In your resume, provide brief information about yourself (year and place of birth, etc.), your education (where and when you studied), and, if you have previous work experience, details about your past jobs (when, where, what position, and what tasks you performed).

We cannot speak for government institutions, but in companies like ours, details about your parents and their workplaces are not relevant.

A resume helps build your professional image, so it should be prepared carefully and correctly. It is a document that provides an employer with initial information about you. If you make a good impression, your chances of getting the job will increase—don’t forget that.

A resume is not just a document reflecting your work experience, knowledge, and skills; it is also a tool that shows your serious approach to job hunting. Be attentive when writing your resume, as it creates the first impression and can influence the employer’s decision.


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The most important day of my life: I became a UBS student

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blog UBSLIKLAR — 16-08-2024
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The importance of independent learning

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In the catalog you can get some information about the faculties and the learning process

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