UBS Book Fair — Choose What You Love!
International and republican scientific-practical conferences are held at the “University of Business and Science”!
These conferences are organized on the basis of the relevant resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On April 18-19, an international conference on the topic “Innovation, integration and new pedagogical technologies in the education system”
UBS Book Fair — Choose What You Love!
UBS Education Quality and Learning Process Monitoring
Inspiring meeting
Lively Debate: Is Success Dependent on a Diploma?
The UBS Library Enriched with New Literary Treasures
“Minister’s Cup” Sports Competition
Congratulations on the State Scholarships!
UBS Representatives at the Scientific Forum
Zulfiya Isroilova's Birthday
Zakovat League Round 4 Results!
In the catalog you can get some information about the faculties and the learning process